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Inherits from SVGElementSVGElement


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Inherited from SVGElement


No properties.


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The SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement object has these properties:

  • amplitude: Indicates the amplitude of the gamma function.
  • exponent: Indicates the exponent of the gamma function.
  • intercept: Indicates the intercept of the linear function.
  • offset: Gets or sets a value that indicates where the gradient stop is placed within the gradient.
  • slope: Indicates the slope of the linear function.
  • tableValues: Define the lookup table.
  • type: The type of component transfer function. The function type determines the applicability of the other attributes.

[ie_svg\ie:%20SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement object%20 RELEASE:%20(7/24/2012)&body=%0A%0APRIVACY STATEMENT%0A%0AThe doc team uses your feedback to improve the documentation. We don’t use your email address for any other purpose. We’ll remove your email address from our system after the issue that you are reporting is resolved. While we are working to resolve this issue, we may send you an email message to request more info about your feedback. After the issue is addressed, we may send you an email message to let you know that your feedback has been addressed.%0A%0AFor more info about Microsoft’s privacy policy, see Send comments about this topic to Microsoft]
